Thursday, September 20, 2012

Everybody Wins Children's Pet Show

The doctors and staff at Cedar Pet Clinic Lake Elmo thank all the participants and all the observers of this year's free Everybody Wins Children's Pet Show, presented on September 8 as part of Lake Elmo Days community festival.   We include here a list of the winners --- every entrant is a winner!   We particularly thank David Falbaum for photography, the festival organizers from the City of Lake Elmo,  Public Works and Park Superintendent Mike Bouthilet, whose staff set up our area in a shady spot near the fire station, and the staff at Lake Elmo Elementary School for helping us get the word out to children and families about the show.   A good time was had by all... and it's one of our absolute favorite days of the year!!
Afton with Piper Rose - Curliest Hair

Calvin with Carter - Best Dancer

Chase with Lexi - Most Unforgettable 

Ciara with Nino - Best Hula Hooper

Jacob with Dutchess - Biggest ears

Henry & Claire with Gunny - Prettiest eyes

Holly with Snickers - Best Mouser

Kiera with Whisker/Digger- Best Friends 
Malaina with Daisy - Most Social

Mary/Kaelie and Maggie - Healthiest eater

Molly with Karl - Best Game Player

Molly with Murphy - Best Hand Shaker
Emma with Rosie - Highest Jumper

Raquel with Hershey Serena - Best Spikes

Scarlett with Cutie Pie - Cutest Ears

Julia with Snickers - Most Outdoorsy

Whisky and Digger